Re: Got Samento?
Thank you seatwo, and to the other poster! I did go ahead and order a bottle of Samento from Nutramedix right after I posted, so I will probably get it again from one of the other sources to save money next time.
I'm really glad to hear the good results, I am REALLY looking forward to that!
I haven't been to a doctor for Lyme, because as everyone knows it's difficult to find one. But it's very obvious to me that I have Lyme, and one of my problems is that I have been on
Antibiotics over and over again for the past several years for allergies that have turned into an ear infection. The ear nose and throat doc thinks my ear is fine now but I still have the aches and pains (left side of head which goes down my neck to the tick bite area) and the white flashes in my left eye. In doing my own research on my symptoms sound like Bell's Palsey.
Anyway that's not all, I won't go through all of the other symptoms now (too long for this one posting!) but I have been very fatigued and sick for awhile now. I've been thinking about doing the salt and C, but I have heard that the Samento works really well.
Thanks all! I can hardly wait to try it out!