20 y
Re: Got Samento -- NutraMedix Samento Extract
I recently spoke with a Derek from to get some information/dosage, etc. for samento at no charge and absolutely no pressure to purchase anything
from them.
He is VERY educated/informative in this area, explains the importance of taking only POA's, and NOT TOA's as is found in Cat's Claw. He has also tracked the users of this extract and it has proven very effective. He can be reached at: 1-800-215-4682.
I wound up buying two bottles of the NutraMedix Samento Extract from him at $37.00/bottle.
As I am a sensitive to most preparations, I started with 1 drop 3x/day on an empty stomach (1/2 hour prior to eating). I added a drop each day and am now at 5 drops 3x/day, which I will stay with for the time being.
I have noticed a definite improvement in cognitive abilities. I used to have quite a bit of "senior moments" (eg. trouble locating the word in conversations), and I'm not that old!
My very best wishes to you in regaining your health,