well, i'm in bed at the moment after having a light meal.
i took the Epsom Salts yesterday which wasn't as bad as i thought. the olive oil and grapefruit juice was quite nice actually. however last night i couldn't get any sleep. at one stage i feel quite sick and bloated. then in the morning i woke up at 7am and took the third cup of Epsom Salts - this time it tasted disgusting. two hours later i finished the fourth cup and then at 11am went to the toilet with the runs. a few stones came out - not as much as i had hoped - some green and tan pea sized stones.
i'm now kinda resting - feeling slightly better. i still have my eczema but i guess this flush is a start. i will now aim for my second flush in two weeks and hopefully more stones will come out. i haven't been back to the toilet yet. would i expect anymore stones to come out when i have my next bowel movement? or was that it?