19 y
Re: Distant AK?
Wonderful Maya! I will remind you.
I am so up for engaging in that. I feel really great good can come from it-- for many. Won't that be a blessing? By then I'll have finished six months of following my Tibetan Amchi's (doctor's) herbal prescriptions, so perhaps you and I can work on a new level of things-->>the 'heavy lifting' done (?)
Yes, deep blue -- that's my colour. It's like my home. I'm sure it strengthens a slight kidney weakness too, from long ago. A liquid lapis, but I don't really see the colour in *real* life, you know. I think you must have picked up on my incredible sense of love and respect for my son-- I was feeling a wave of happiness and grace and slightly 'choked up', in a good way.
I used to cry daily...but that was through some heavy grief. I guess you would say I'm a crier though, but when balanced it's more on the level of compassion and a rush of love.(and gratitude for my teachers)
What a story about your elderly client. And about your son...funny how all this
(from this side of the pond) constellated today around *my* son (so-called). I am not so ignorant as to assume he is *mine*. :-) Your son sounds like a real jewel. (I'm sure they both are.) I'm glad to have heard about him today, as he is now here, so to speak, in this lovely sphere of light.
Thank you for your warmth Maya, all your good work, and your eye of the heart.