Re: Questions and allergy removal.
I use kineseology all the time and there are a couple of thing you have to remember.
first to use kineseology on another person you must have their permission and if you are not sure then muscle test that you have.
second it is important that you know what type of response you want from the question you ask and to do this you must set the intention for the response that you want
example 1: if you ask someone is smoking good for them and your intention is "no" gives you a weak arm and a "yes" the arm stays strong.
example 2: if you ask someone is smoking bad for them and your intention is "yes" gives you a weak arm and a "no" the arm stays strong. it is just a change to indicate the response of the intention that you set in the beginning
In my practice I do not need the allergen or vitamin or whatever I am testing in my hand but be very precise what item you are focusing on and who you are testing.
have fun experimenting