I have a couple of books about kineseology one by Donald Leopore. However, it didn't seem to work when I tried it with my mother, mainly because she wasn't being serious abou it. So, what I wanted to know was can you muscle test without the substance being in your hand. Does it work by just imagining it? And how do you test for things that you want to try like acupunture or deciding whether something is right for you, like a particular practitioner?
Also, I have just started the allergy elimnation technique where they test you first by kineseology then elimniate the allergy by spinal stimulation while you have the allergin in your hand. Now we didn't get very far with me because I have so many allergies, but we did get to the minerals. I am senstive to calcium and B vitamins. In Donalds book he muscle tests for these minerals and if your arm goes down then you need it, but in this allegy technique if your arm goes down then you are sensitive to it. These are conflicting views aren't they. I can't tell you the results of this technique on me because I have only had it done once. But will be interested in others views.