Re: About MSM and Interstitial Cystitis control.
Wow that is alot of times to be running, i think the most i ever did was about 60 times aday.
Once when i thought i had a bladder infections i went to the toilet 26 in 7 hours through the nite.
I also could have gone more, but i held not for very long though.
My problem is that i could go all day an not drink anything and still go 40x a day.
I think it is some genetic defect in my body.
Some days everything goes through me like turned on tap and other days there is not much of a problem.
Even though i may drink the same things on a regular basis.
Water,tea , juice does the same thing to me.
I keep a positive attitude that some day i will find the answer i have been searching for.
Your sisters testimony could be exactly the answer i am looking for, so i will keep up with MSM and hope for the best. It may take me longer because i have had it for such a long time.
Thanks for listening it helps to know that others understand what you are going through.