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WOW - good point!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

blueskyz Views: 1,346
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 522,780

WOW - good point!


Every now and then, someone here says something obvious, which only strikes me as being so when I read it. Prior to which it was NOT obvious to me, so then i go "DUH!" (Like when Hopsino mentioned drinking a lot of water with the B&Ps!)

Now you've just done it too: " because if you are dumping dead parasites you don't want them to stay in your body very long, so you want to be having several bowel movements daily" yeah....or they - what? putrify? get stuck in the plaque? turn into gallstones? Whatever they do - they're better OUT than IN. You're right.

I was just musing that this is the first day I haven't been pooping every two hours or so, and I AM back on semi solid food, and I'm pretty sure that I'm dumping parasites (I'm not really looking TOO closely, if you want to know).

I started that other colon cleansing program today, and I could still do B&Ps til that starts kicking in a bit more. But the SWF - is that ideal to only do when you are cleansing so that it's a pretty fast track thing? Do you know?

Thanks for bringing the obvious to my attention or it might have continued to float out there as unconnected pieces of info for a while more.


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