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Tricks to Improve the SWF
usmario Views: 3,615
Published: 20 y
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Tricks to Improve the SWF

Yeah, I've noticed even when mixing the same amount, the taste is sometimes different...maybe different batches of the Redmond salt have slightly different percentages of sodium? usual, trial & error will yield the truth.

btw, I'm in the middle of my 4th Master Cleanse, and the last 2 mornings I did a little additional stuff for my swf. I found a post somewhere on curezone with this info from a real Yogi: sip the saltwater while in the yoga "crow" position (squatted down like you're pooping in the woods, maybe with back against wall for support), then do some yoga poses to stimulate the intestines (basically twisting your body, lay on back and pull alternate knees up to shoulder to massage colon - I learned that from Bikram's yoga), and another great one I got from the box of Yogi Teas 'Get Regular' senna tea laxative, which recommends taking a deep breath, exhaling all of it, and then rapidly sucking the stomach up and in under the rib cage 4 or 5 times in quick succession, I guess that kind of jostles the intestines to shake things up and move stuff along, they say to do that for 5 breaths. I also simply roll my abdominal muscles to get a massage going for 15 seconds or so. Finally, when the swf eliminations begin, I sip warm water which the Yogi said will keep things moving better.

Using these little additions has noticeably improved my swf results the last 2 mornings compared to what I'm used to. So if you've got the time and want to put in some extra effort, then give it a shot.
Good Luck everybody, invest in your health, cuz "they" won't


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