Well, it's the day after.... I did the drink with 1/3 cup OO, 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1 garlic clove, a 1
inch piece of ginger, and some cayenne (tho I used less than the 1/4 tsp. since I was worried about stomach pain - it was fine, probably should have used the full dose). Nauseated, as usual, and this concoction was harder to get down, probaby because of the garlic. Slept a little better this time - couple of hours vs. my usual not at all, but didn't feel anything happening in my GB, although I usually don't get the gurgling everybody talks about. I actually DID take 2 smaller doses of epsoms last night, but none this morning. Just three normal BM's and nothing else so far. It's not feeling too active down there.... I have been kind of stopped up this past week since my first colonic, which surprised me, but have been working on the candida again, so could be the dietary changes, etc. Anyway, I've concluded that for someone like me who tends to be constipated, I think the epsoms are important to get everything to shoot through really fast before it has time to get reabsorbed. Either that, or the regular Hulda recipe worked better for me. Also, seeing hard evidence in the toilet bowl motivates me to put myself through this nauseating experience. I'm debating about whether to do an enema. I don't really have time today, and I think everything that I'd like to come out is pretty much still in the small bowel.