Still need convincing
There seem to be some reasonably intelligent folks posting here, is it possible to skip the feel-good remedies and stick to the scientifically plausible?
The hypothesis that flushing stones from the liver and gallbladder may have some basis in fact. The procedure calls for storing bile by eating no fats for 24 hours or more and then stimulating a rush of bile by drinking oil. A rush of bile may then carry the stones into the digestive tract. This part is very logical.
Once in the digestive tract, the stones may be expected to flow down the intestines and be ejected. Also logical.
Is it logical that stones in the intestines would somehow get stuck? Barring diverticulitus or a detour into the appendix, why would an object get stuck? Endoscopies, barium x-rays and other diagnostics show no evidence that objects get stuck in the intestines.
Now I've trid the flush with no results. Some seem addicted to the
Liver Flush procedure. I found it unpleasant and a waste of a day or two. Should I try again? If so, how many times may be required?