I was due to do my 2nd Liver Flush yesterday but I have post-poned because I have not passed any parasites yet. I've been taking a disgusting tasting herbal, (wormwood, wallnut and cloves,) anti- parasite formula for over a week and Zapping daily. I'm using a different brand of formula than last time and the recomended doseage seems much less, so I've decided to up the doseage to what i took before and wait until next week. My first flush was over a year ago, and even though I was sure I wouldn't have parasites, I did, so I can't see why I wouldn't now. (Not that I've gone out of my way to get them, but who does?!) If I haven't produced any parasites by Monday, is it still safe to flush? I am Leaving for Sydney on Tuesday night so I don't want to be sick.
~ Jowanna.