We don't have all those things here...
but what we do have is sodium ascorbate, a non-acid form of vitamin C.
If you add one teaspoon of that in with the first two doses
Epsom Salts , I can guarantee you that you will clean out, as if someone put a high pressure hose in one end, and out the other.
And furthermore, I find that when I use vitamin C, I have less energy loss, and I feel better after a flush. I talked to a doctor that actually uses, and knows something about vitamin C (not many do :D :D ) and he said that that was probably because one of vitamin C's main role in the body was neutralisation of toxins in the body.
I think that the liver releases a lot of toxins during a flush, and have noticed that when I add vitamin C, I feel better.
I don't add it, because I need to do a bm, because I have no problem in that department. But some of my friends who do, have found that the vitamin C in the orange juict/
Epsom Salts , sorts the problem out.
Which is great, when you (I) don't live in a country that has the sorts of things that USA has available to it...
We only have the basics here...
The other thing too, is that