Preparing for 1st Flush This Saturday-Question
Okay, I have taken my Coptis, Curcuma and Chinese Bitters for the last three weeks and have started the GCG in preparation for my first flush this Saturday. Since beginning these products, as well as adding Probiotics, my all day nausea is now limited to just in the evening after dinner. The sharp, interminnent pain has also minimized. I feel great when I wake up in the morning and this usually lasts until lunch. I haven't felt this good in a long time...and this is all even before I experience the flush!
My question is this: I cannot have a daily bm without taking supplements, in this case - 2 CleanseSmart capsules, along with fiber and oils each evening. The cleanse instructions say to stop taking ALL supplements the day of the cleanse. I know the Epson Salt is supposed to help here but I am wondering if other constipated people have had a problem here? What if I don't have a bm by noon the next day? What are my options then? I want to have a successful cleanse, but know bm's are a very necessary part of this process. I have done numerous colon cleanses, colonics, Colosan, etc. but I still cannot produce bm's with help...thus my concern the morning after the flush.
I appreciate your advice and past experience/tips!
P.S. My spouse and mother, in a show of support, decided to be our family test subjects on the liver flush. They did their first flush this past weekend. Neither has any serious health problems, they just wanted to give it a try. My spouse passed over 150+ green stones (just like the photos on Curezone!), my mother's stones were, in her words, little hard, black slivers (don't know what THAT was!). They both did enemas and
Dr. Schulze 's IC#2 for a thorough clean out afterwards. After a weekend of seriously sore bottoms, they tell me they both feel a huge surge of energy and my spouse is excited to do a 2nd flush in three weeks. This gives me great encouragement.