Thanks, shelleycat for your quick reply and your dietary suggestions.
Yes, the evening meal was the first one with a little protein, a vegetable/chicken stew and salad. The pain started after the first few bites, but more in the intestinal tract area. I used to ( may still have) "irritable bowel syndrom", the catch all phrase some doctors like give when they don't know a better diagnosis. The pain was similar to that.
There has not been any hard stool yet, after all the diarrhea. In the evening, after posting here, I did some enemas, very foul smelling brownish stuff with lots of bits and pieces of tissue in it ( stomach lining???). That's why I suspect the
Epsom Salts !
It's now morning, no bowel movement yet, but that's typical for me on Mon morn. after a flush and enema.
I already take lecithin and choline, but will add MSM. For the past 2 months I have been already taking Bupleurum in the form of Chinese Bitters. Last week when I visited Julia Cheng in her store, she did not recommend Coptis, rather Fem Mate for a few months down the road to help my body produce it's own hormones, as slowly I want to get off the natural HR creams. But I do appreciate your suggestion, this is new info after the last flush I want to relay to Julia.
What do you think of the tissue?