Hi there, I've been suffering with chronic constipation for years and years. I'm also currently pregnant which limits my options. I hate when I have to take laxatives all the time. Recently I've tried a combo of herbs that has really really helped that I wanted to share. As far as I know these herbs are gentle and fine to take long term. They are also very nutritious. The combo i'm taking is artichoke leaf extract in capsule form. I'm also drinking 2-3 cups of a mixture of yellow dock and dandelion root tea. The tea is bitter but if you let it cool a bit you can drink it down quick. I'm still not going daily but I've just started this combo and I've gone 5 out of the last 7 days ... not bad. No uncomfortable cramping or loose stool. just a normal elimation occurs with this combo which is also great. I highly recommend this to all, i was to the point of severe constipation just a week or so ago.