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Please help
  Views: 1,157
Published: 20 y

Please help

Look, I 've read some of the messages.. I've had 3 colonocopies, I've been to 3 doctors...Every thing with me checks out normal..I moved to different houses so it;s not the pipes!!!or water!! or any other answers like that.....

I just want to tell my story and see if anyone else is in the same boat..... I have had several bowel movement a day for years.ok...

I take 6 immodium a day ...and I have taken 6 a day every day for years..I still go 3 to 4 times a day..I have to wipe a lot too.after every bowel movement, I wipe all day long..sorry to be so graphic but that's my day. stinky and the wipe, and go back and wipe and then go back and wipe..If my bowel movements were just solid..I wouldn't leak so much.. That's what it's like just leaking...

So anyone else..??? any suggestions...I have tried many many products... but will entertain ideas...Doctors just give up..

It's no fun..I just want to be constipated...
Thanks for the help


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