Eddie...There is a program called the Hallelujah Acreas Program
I feel certain this program will line you out completely...and
you should see improvement in just a few days. If you go on
the program...you will be eating 80% of your diet raw...doing
juicing if you have a juicer...you will leave off all sugar,
meat, dairy, white flour products. You can go to their website
and read all about it...there are many testimonials on there
to read. If you have a health food store near by, and feel you
cannot follow the diet to the letter...you could buy Triphala,
about $7.99 a bottle (capsules)...and also Primal Defense, ($45)
They are both very healing for the colon.
If you will follow the diet completely, you should need no
additional supplements...and should see improvement very