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Re: Day 9

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pflyinghi Views: 931
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 513,166

Re: Day 9

Way to go, Tony! You're an inspiration!

I'm on day 4. It really hasn't been too tough yet, except if I drink the lax tea at nite, I cramp, run to the bathroom few times over the next couple hours--doesn't make for restful nite. Didn't take the tea last nite and slept well. Might just do the tea and swf in the mornings. Think that will make much difference?

I'm on vacation (most of the month) so I'm sure the ability to be near a bathroom, accessibility to the lemonade, etc. makes this easier than for most people. Also, the support, encouragement, advice on this forum is sooo helpful. When I feel like giving in, I get on here and always read something that helps me stick to it.

Off to drink some lemonade!


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