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Puerto Vallarta

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Published: 20 y

Puerto Vallarta


I had a dream, on September 16th, 2004 to the 17th, and I asked another message board what they thought of it like 3 or 4 months after having it. Someone wanted me to call them but I wasn't up to it because I was stressed at the time for something I needed to happen: I was scared if the interpretation was going to be bad and didn't want it to stress me more. They never helped interpreted it there, so I'm going to post it here.

It's pretty long, so if you don't want to read it, I'm not forcing you to.

Here goes:

I was given an expensive place to live. There was something to give a value for it, and that value was above 9 thousand (it was a black rectangle that gave things values). The old man who gave it to me was worried it would not be the same when he got back: I assured him it would be fine. Me, this old man, and some girl were in this expensive room that was valued at 9,000. And there was a lightblue colored room to get to this expensive room - every sqaure centimeter of this room was light blue. And there were about 3 steps leading up to a door to get to this expensive room. This lightblue room had it's value taken a 900 from the black rectangle box. The old man was very shaky/scared during all of this.

Then all of a sudden, me, this old man and the girl were all at the ocean on a beach wading in knee to waist deep water. I was perfect and had no problems at all, I had no shirt on and was beautiful. I was about 22 years old during all this(I'm 19 right now).

The old man was to my right, he was about 60, he was wearing brown slacks rolled up to his knees so the water wouldn't get his clothes wet, he also had brown suspenders on and a white longsleeve button up shirt with rolled sleeves up for the same reason as his pants. I think he was sweating and breathing hard. He had a big belly and looked lethargic.

And this girl, she was wearing short lightbrown shorts, her hair was in a ponytail up top and she was also wearing one of those tube things girls wear to cover their boobs. It's like a wide-stretchy sock and it was brown. Come to think of it, I think I was wearing earth tone/brown like colored shorts too. She wassomewhere between 19 and 25 years old.

Okay, on with the story now..... We were all on this beach, the sky was perfectly clear sky blue, there was a very pretty dense jungle/forest behind us, the water/sand was so clear/pure and the sun was still rising. The old man was about 20 ft to my right and 20ft up front of me, and the girl was about 40 ft to my right and 10 ft up front of me. And 100-150 ft in front of us was a big cement wall that seemed to surround the area we were at. I still don't know if this was an island - I doubt it was, but looking left or right, the wall extended farther than any of us could see. And the wall didn't look big from where we were.

We all waded in the water up to the wall by taking a few steps, and then we were suddenly at the wall even though we were about 150 feet away before. It was about 9ft tall, and very thick, though I don't know how thick. In my hand I had a handsize plastic blue strainer from my mom's kitchen.

Then I saw a few fish to my right in the sand colored crystal clear water we were wading in. At this time I do not recall having the strainer. But some invisible energy was about me, and I was very empowered. They were amber/brown/and tan with one white stripe near the gill all the way around it's body. They looked valiant and innocent - true innocence that made them display love, they were very pretty fish. 3 were pecking at the cement wall to the front right of me - I'm not sure if the other 2 I was with saw any fish cause they were still to my right. But instead of going for those fish to my front right. I saw one of those fish alone in front of me and I crept up to it at my normal pace with the strainer and I trapped it between the blue strainer/wall and lifted it out of the water to view it. My vision during this entire dream was crystal clear. And the sucking of the fishes mouth and flopping of it's tail made me feel sorry for it, so I put it back in the water with the strainer, but I didn't let it loose.

The man and lady were still to my right - but now since I was up at the wall with the fish - so was the man, and the girl was still away from the wall - as if she made a 135 or a 120 degree angle with the wall, where me and the old man were reference points. As we looked toward the almost risen sun, the clear blue sky with few, if not any clouds.

Then after I had put the strainer in the water with the fish, all 3 of us were immediately in front of a teepee where fish were being smoked.

Logs/cinder bricks were stacked up inside the leather canvas teepee to make shelves inside it to put a few fish in the shelves to smoke them. I don't recall having the strainer and fish with me - I think I did. I think I looked at the fish laying in the strainer and then looking at the teepee with smoke billowing out of the top. Some sort of design was on the canvas. I think it might have been a bull, and a settlement of teepees and horsebacked american indians with spears outnumbering and fighting the bull. Not to mention the clear blue sky, and the power seemed to be awakening inside me. I don't know what this power is/was, but it was just a feeling all over my entire body, I could only feel it.

At this settlement there were many other people there too, all living nearby eachother, blacks, whites, mexicans, all races. I remember some small homes having greek style pillars that held up the sturdy cement/brick/marble houses - all kinds of very pretty homes from different civilizations. We all seemed like we were rebuilding civilization with better knowledge than those before us with all their wars and senseless dick measuring contests :), everyone in the area was smiling at me, I remember seeing little black kids running around playing tag. I think that girl with me in the water was my wife or girlfriend or something - it was clear we were at least very great friends and had strong feelings for eachother. This settlement by the way was surrounded by a forest. I'm not sure if it was totally surorunded by it, but the direction I was facing as I was looking at the little black kids playing tag - the horizon had a lot of bright/deeply colored/lively green trees undeath the blue sky.

End of dream.

Now, this is the interesting part...

About a month ago my mom was talking to me about some place called Puerto Vallarta, and how some of her friends just came back from there. Knowing some spanish I immediately recognized 'puerto' for 'port'. And 'ta' as an ending referring to 'it' - whatever 'it' is. I did some research on the place and some spanish guy founded that place as a fishing town within the past few hundred years, and his last name was vallarta. 'Vallar' means 'to fence'. So I read it like: 'Port to fence it'. And I immediately swore that this dream means I will go there and live there or have something to do down there.

It's a tourist town, Terminator was filmed there I think, and it's supposed to be growing in economy a lot. Other than that, I don't know what this dream means, with all the 9's and 3's. I've done some research on astrology, etc, and my birth and lifepath are both 9. I was born on March 27th 1986 at 10:50 pm. I don't know why, but as for a lot of things being brown, When I checked out my lucky elements at a chinese astrology site, it said my lucky colors are brown and yellow: Specifically brown. I saw some people here talking about dreamspell, if me being Yellow Electric Star means anything to anyone.... Can you please help me out? Can someone help interpret my long dream?

I had another very important dream to me when I was 7 or 8, and I think it's relative to the power in me in this dream. But I'll only type it if someone asks for it. In this dream, there is a lot of yellow. ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©


I had a dream, on September 16th, 2004 to the 17th, and I asked another message board what they thought of it like 3 or 4 months after having it. Someone wanted me to call them but I wasn't up to it because I was stressed at the time for something I needed to happen: I was scared if the interpretation was going to be bad and didn't want it to stress me more. They never helped interpreted it there, so I'm going to post it here.

It's pretty long, so if you don't want to read it, I'm not forcing you to.

Here goes:

I was given an expensive place to live. There was something to give a value for it, and that value was above 9 thousand (it was a black rectangle that gave things values). The old man who gave it to me was worried it would not be the same when he got back: I assured him it would be fine. Me, this old man, and some girl were in this expensive room that was valued at 9,000. And there was a lightblue colored room to get to this expensive room - every sqaure centimeter of this room was light blue. And there were about 3 steps leading up to a door to get to this expensive room. This lightblue room had it's value taken a 900 from the black rectangle box. The old man was very shaky/scared during all of this.

Then all of a sudden, me, this old man and the girl were all at the ocean on a beach wading in knee to waist deep water. I was perfect and had no problems at all, I had no shirt on and was beautiful. I was about 22 years old during all this(I'm 19 right now).

The old man was to my right, he was about 60, he was wearing brown slacks rolled up to his knees so the water wouldn't get his clothes wet, he also had brown suspenders on and a white longsleeve button up shirt with rolled sleeves up for the same reason as his pants. I think he was sweating and breathing hard. He had a big belly and looked lethargic.

And this girl, she was wearing short lightbrown shorts, her hair was in a ponytail up top and she was also wearing one of those tube things girls wear to cover their boobs. It's like a wide-stretchy sock and it was brown. Come to think of it, I think I was wearing earth tone/brown like colored shorts too. She wassomewhere between 19 and 25 years old.

Okay, on with the story now..... We were all on this beach, the sky was perfectly clear sky blue, there was a very pretty dense jungle/forest behind us, the water/sand was so clear/pure and the sun was still rising. The old man was about 20 ft to my right and 20ft up front of me, and the girl was about 40 ft to my right and 10 ft up front of me. And 100-150 ft in front of us was a big cement wall that seemed to surround the area we were at. I still don't know if this was an island - I doubt it was, but looking left or right, the wall extended farther than any of us could see. And the wall didn't look big from where we were.

We all waded in the water up to the wall by taking a few steps, and then we were suddenly at the wall even though we were about 150 feet away before. It was about 9ft tall, and very thick, though I don't know how thick. In my hand I had a handsize plastic blue strainer from my mom's kitchen.

Then I saw a few fish to my right in the sand colored crystal clear water we were wading in. At this time I do not recall having the strainer. But some invisible energy was about me, and I was very empowered. They were amber/brown/and tan with one white stripe near the gill all the way around it's body. They looked valiant and innocent - true innocence that made them display love, they were very pretty fish. 3 were pecking at the cement wall to the front right of me - I'm not sure if the other 2 I was with saw any fish cause they were still to my right. But instead of going for those fish to my front right. I saw one of those fish alone in front of me and I crept up to it at my normal pace with the strainer and I trapped it between the blue strainer/wall and lifted it out of the water to view it. My vision during this entire dream was crystal clear. And the sucking of the fishes mouth and flopping of it's tail made me feel sorry for it, so I put it back in the water with the strainer, but I didn't let it loose.

The man and lady were still to my right - but now since I was up at the wall with the fish - so was the man, and the girl was still away from the wall - as if she made a 135 or a 120 degree angle with the wall, where me and the old man were reference points. As we looked toward the almost risen sun, the clear blue sky with few, if not any clouds.

Then after I had put the strainer in the water with the fish, all 3 of us were immediately in front of a teepee where fish were being smoked.

Logs/cinder bricks were stacked up inside the leather canvas teepee to make shelves inside it to put a few fish in the shelves to smoke them. I don't recall having the strainer and fish with me - I think I did. I think I looked at the fish laying in the strainer and then looking at the teepee with smoke billowing out of the top. Some sort of design was on the canvas. I think it might have been a bull, and a settlement of teepees and horsebacked american indians with spears outnumbering and fighting the bull. Not to mention the clear blue sky, and the power seemed to be awakening inside me. I don't know what this power is/was, but it was just a feeling all over my entire body, I could only feel it.

At this settlement there were many other people there too, all living nearby eachother, blacks, whites, mexicans, all races. I remember some small homes having greek style pillars that held up the sturdy cement/brick/marble houses - all kinds of very pretty homes from different civilizations. We all seemed like we were rebuilding civilization with better knowledge than those before us with all their wars and senseless dick measuring contests :), everyone in the area was smiling at me, I remember seeing little black kids running around playing tag. I think that girl with me in the water was my wife or girlfriend or something - it was clear we were at least very great friends and had strong feelings for eachother. This settlement by the way was surrounded by a forest. I'm not sure if it was totally surorunded by it, but the direction I was facing as I was looking at the little black kids playing tag - the horizon had a lot of bright/deeply colored/lively green trees undeath the blue sky.

End of dream.

Now, this is the interesting part...

About a month ago my mom was talking to me about some place called Puerto Vallarta, and how some of her friends just came back from there. Knowing some spanish I immediately recognized 'puerto' for 'port'. And 'ta' as an ending referring to 'it' - whatever 'it' is. I did some research on the place and some spanish guy founded that place as a fishing town within the past few hundred years, and his last name was vallarta. 'Vallar' means 'to fence'. So I read it like: 'Port to fence it'. And I immediately swore that this dream means I will go there and live there or have something to do down there.

It's a tourist town, Terminator was filmed there I think, and it's supposed to be growing in economy a lot. Other than that, I don't know what this dream means, with all the 9's and 3's. I've done some research on astrology, etc, and my birth and lifepath are both 9. I was born on March 27th 1986 at 10:50 pm. I don't know why, but as for a lot of things being brown, When I checked out my lucky elements at a chinese astrology site, it said my lucky colors are brown and yellow: Specifically brown. I saw some people here talking about dreamspell, if me being Yellow Electric Star means anything to anyone.... Can you please help me out? Can someone help interpret my long dream?

I had another very important dream to me when I was 7 or 8, and I think it's relative to the power in me in this dream. But I'll only type it if someone asks for it.


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