Yeah again the males are trying to relay something but I could not quite get it. I was on the verge but the security guard changed that. I wish I would have confronted him and seen what he wanted because I was clearly being helpful. This disconnected head has shown up before. It was just a head lying on the ground with about 2/4 eaten away bugs and maggots were crawling thru it and kids were kicking it around like a ball. I felt sorry as it still had life.
11-11 04 I thought that was neat also though I could not understand in the dream how my brother was connected. That is veterans day or rememberance day which maybe is to get me to recall a connection with the past, but that is unclear although I did have the tendency to not show emotions r reactions. I'll have to examine that aspect.
I did confront some authority figures this week 2 policemen who were going to write me tickets, I managed to do the "Jedi mind trick" and they dropped the tickets!