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Gracey!!! Holy moly!
Tracey Views: 6,915
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Gracey!!! Holy moly!

Hi Gracey!

Sorry it took me so long to respond to this cool dream...

Immediately I felt that it was all about a past life wound that you've carried into this life and, WOW, when I look at your chart to see what your wound is.....there it is!!! It's crazy. I hope I can explain it well.

Anyway...the first thing that is NUTS is that your Wound - Chiron - is at 3 degrees 10 minutes!!! I'm serious!! 3:11 is pretty damn close! Woah. Isn't that crazy? holy moly - my head is spinning!

So....we know what this is about eh? Soooo clear that it is about a past life wound that you are carrying into this life. VERY clear to begin with because the stabbing happened where your birthmark is on your back. (wow) all fits in Gracey...because your Chiron is in Taurus at 3degrees 10minutes and Taurus is the money sign. Of course it's not just money...but your dream had quite a lot to do with money, so there it is.

To top it off your Taurus Chiron (wound) is in the 2nd house - so it really is a double whammy because the 2nd house rules money & possessions also. (it's Taurus' natural house)

Why did you have this dream now? Uranus is sextiling your Chiron-wound activating the memory and Saturn is sextiling your Chiron-wound also at the same time...bringing the past life lesson into play.

There is something interesting happening here, Gracey, because now that Uranus is out of the dark 12th house and out into the daylight (this has just recently happened since February 24, 2004) of your real, visible are going to be finding our who you really are (on many levels - and it looks like on past-life levels too!) and who you want to let emerge into the beautiful sunlight of your potential You!

It looks like having revelations about this old wound of yours is part of this self-discovery and healing! And, actually, as your dream showed...this wound has had an ill-effect on your health (hospital bed) but once you bring it into awareness you will heal yourself and feel better (as you did in the dream). Also the 'killing' of you in the dream is about the death of the old wounded you so that the new (uranus moving into the 1st house!) and healthy you can emerge.

Let's look into the wound a bit more...

This wound (that very well could have carried over from previous lives - your dream seems soo vivid as a period piece - maybe you DID exist during those times, Gracey!) is related to Self-Worth. Feeling secure within your Self. Perhaps you had a past life trauma (much like your dream) where people didn't treat you well and so you thought you were worthless....not as good as the next person (like in the dream - the bride was better than you).

Self-Worth. Valuing your Self (valuing only Money is the external manifestation of not valuing your Self)....feeling secure deep down that you ARE valuable. Feeling it sooo deeply within your self that people start treating you differently because it is clear that you DO value yourself....and so they do too.

Does any of that make sense? I know that with Chiron, once you've opened the wound it feels sooooo painful. Like a pain that will never go away ever. (it does...until the next time you open the wound)

Actually...What happened around May to October 1998? Do you remember feeling terribly under-valued? Insecure, impoverished, penniless...etc? Then again in March to May 1999? What happened at this time? This is a huge hint regarding this wound....

Uranus sextiling your Wound can totally help heal it Gracey! Uranus brings sparkling new energy....a good physical manifestation of Uranus really is the QXCI machine, you know! Verrry Uranian. Zappy. Electro-magnetic. Brings your 'emotional body' new vibrations. Let those cleansing and revelatory vibrations come in Gracey!

I can't believe's all so THERE!

And your dream was a PERFECT representation of this Taurus Chiron wound...

The healing has begun, Gracey!

love Tracey


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