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Stabbed with injection needles.
WhiteIris Views: 6,941
Published: 21 y

Stabbed with injection needles.

Last month I kept waking up at 3:11am. I was trying to figure out what that meant. Maybe it was my dream last night.

I was on train in the early 1800's (maybe). When did they wear the big dresses and big hates...kind of like "hello dolly, with barbara streisand"?

I am socializing with different fancy people on the train, we are wealthy. Marriage/money/status is a big deal. We are preparing to see a wedding. Everyone is talking about it, while sipping petite cups of tea.

Last minute the man getting married pulls me aside and says he will cancel the wedding if I will marry him instead. I am disinterested.

A short spanish serving lady over hears. She says to me, "He must marry with my family." Don't know how she is related to the bride or if it is a family illigitamate child. She thought I would ruin the wedding.

The wedding goes on as usual, it is not threatened, two wealthy families are uniting, everyone is very happy. The bride loves him , but he does not love her.

The spanish serving lady stabs me several times with medical needles that have drugs in them. 3 or 4 injection needles in my side and back. I start to lose sight and hearing. I fall on the ground. She says, "I am leaving you to die, he won't marry you, he belongs with my family!"

I am somehow in a hospital setting on the floor, I slowly wake up, I can watch the wedding from the window now. I feel fine, I am better.

For some reason the next day I follow the spanish lady around and try to help her out. I try to show her how nice I can be. I see her so bitter and angry inside.

I tell no one. On the way a home I sitting with a man I am friendly with on the train. He says, "Oh you missed a great wedding yesturday! Too bad that lady tried to kill you."

The End.

PS- I have a birthmark on my back all the way to the left side. But it is horizontal, pink, i don't know what it is. maybe not related.


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