Re: What is the Budwig Diet
There are many references to the Dr. Budwig and here cure for cancer in this forum and in the Cancer 2 forum. Do a search in both fora, and possibly elsewhere on this board. Also you can find her books on Amazon, and other sources.
Briefly, back as early as the mid or late 1950s, Dr. Johanna Budwig discovered that the sulfur=based proteins in quark and the omega-3 fatty acid in flax seed oil combine, when thuroughly mixed, to form a potent cancer killer. The closed thing we have in the US to quark is cottage cheese. In her books, she outlines various diet considerations in addition to the flax seed oil and cottage cheese combination (C&O mix). However, it is the C&O mix that is by far the most important.
What I have done, very successfully, is to use the C&O mix along with a diet high in anti-oxidants, and a supplement containing vitamines, minerals, and herbals.