Re: Two options
A fatty liver is a totally treatable condition. I am in the process of flushing my liver and have had 1600+ stones come out in 8 flushes. I had my gb removed in Oct of last year before I knew better. Welcome to Curezone and the knowledge here will amaze you. I included a link to the Liver cleanses. Start with a
Hulda Clark cleanse. Don't worry about using ornithine to sleep. Plan to do a
Bowel Cleanse to get things moving. I would suggest that you start drinking half of your weight in water everyday in ounces. Use distilled or RO water that is pure.
Start to use psyllium everyday to get things moving along. REad about the bowel cleanses. I use psyllium everyday to help my bowels move briskly.
Do the psyllium for a week or so and do a liver cleanse.
Plan in a couple of weeks start a
parasite cleanse. Yes, most people do have them and usually if your liver is congested with stones it has a number of parasites.
Read all you can to gain the knowledge to make changes in your life to help yourself get healthy.
Liver Cleanse FAQ