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Dr Kelly's Cancer Book
Dave39 Views: 2,177
Published: 19 y

Dr Kelly's Cancer Book

I've just finished reading Dr. Kelly's Book One Answer to Cancer, but it's the online

version (reviewed after 32 years). You can download it here....

This is an excellent read, absolutely amazing, it talks about completely cleansing your system and i would recommend anyone to read this book if you're interested in health. It talks about the importance of Metabolic Typing Diet. I only really read up to the metabolic typing part so it never took me long to read it at all. One thing i did notice that he recommends taking quite a few pills (vitamins, minerals etc), but i thought taking too many of these were bad for you. But there are a few things i would like to ask, as i'm not too sure about a few things he talks about. I have posted this message on a few of the forums as i hope i'll get more answers to my questions. I hope it is ok to re-post like this.

Posted on...

Metabolic Typing Forum
Raw Food Forum
Cancer Alternative Forum
Colon Cleanse Form

Question 1

Has anyone ever tried Okra-Pepsin-E3. //

The mucus he talks about is in the small intestine, is this the same as mucoid plaque found

in the large intestine and does this product only take the mucus from the small intestine?

Question 2

He says eggs (in shell) should be in water 140 - 160 Fahrenheit for 5 minutes before craking them to stop the enzyme just under the shell from stoping the biotin from functioning normally. Is there a kitchen device out there that will heat water up to a certain temperature and stay at that temperature for a task such as this.

Question 3

He also talks about eating raw liver and says that one reason so many people get cancer is because the pancreas have to digest cooked meat and therefore cannot digest cancerous cells.

He says that the liver can be frozen, so does that mean that freezing liver does not kill the enzymes in it, which help break the meat down in you body? Does this rule apply to all types of meat, are the enzymes kept intact after freezing? Or does freezing meat for a certain length of time destroy the enzymes?

What about parasites and parasite eggs in raw meat, surely its not good to ingests these small creatures?

Does freezing nuts and seeds kill the enzymes? Or can they still be soaked in water over night (after defrosting) to release enzyme inhibitors (and still sprout etc)

Thanks everyone and sorry for the long post.



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