Re: Metabolic Typing and Mental Health
This is a letter that was inserted into a recent edition of Jini Patel Thompson's book, "The IBD Remission Diet" (it is by the author):
"On Page 108 of the IBD remission diet, I suggest that readers may want to try a product called Primal Defense after they've been completely healed for 3-5 months. I learned of this product from numerous readers who wrote in to let me know how well it's worked for them. Since I couldn't try the product myself (I've been pregnant or breastfeeding for four years and counting,) I questioned numerous respected naturopaths, microbiology professors and gastroenterologists for their opinion on the product and all said it looked fine.
However, since meeting the founder and president of Natren Inc. (top quality pro-biotic manufacturer,) Natasha Trenev, I must change my opinion of bacterial soil organisms. Natasha is a world renowned expert on microorganisms and maintains one of the largest research libraries on that topic in the world. She has sent me an entire CD ROM of articles, research and clinical data and other scientific studies, (most done outside of North America,) outlining why it is not safe to consume bacterial soil organisms (like those contained in Primal Defense and numerous other products.)
To summarize the research briefly, soil organisms (SO) are spore formers, so they make make good competitors for yeast, fungus and other pathogens. This is why so many people taking soil organisms will initially experience very favorable results. However these spores are are extremely difficult to kill, surviving sterilants, disinfectants, acceleration forces, heat, pressure, radiation and many
Antibiotics . Strong
Antibiotics -- like Vancomycin -- can suppress certain spores. Spores are so persistent in the intestines that another round of germination may occur after the the drug is stopped. Soil organisms can also adapt loose genetic material and incorporate it into their cellular structure - the ramifications of which are yet unknown. Various soil organisms can also produce harmful peptides, affecting hemoglobin in the blood. It's important to keep in mind that virtually all
Antibiotic drugs were were initially developed from soil organisms and as
Antibiotics become more potent, they cause more damage to the host, not just in the immediate gut environment, but systematically as well.
In the EU (European Union) the use of soil organisms in animal feed is being stringently controlled and questioned at this time. There are simply too many questions and unknowns to sanction the use of soil organisms for human consumption and one can certainly cannot qualify them as safe at this time.
I'm very sorry for any confusion this may have caused you. To be honest, this is the very first time I've recommended a product that I've not tried and tested exclusively myself -- I admit I was swayed by so many good recommendations from readers. Rest assured that I will not do so again!
My sincerest apologies,
Jini Patel Thompson
July 2003"
I contacted the author about her letter since I was taking Primal Defense at the time. This was her response:
"Primal Defense does tend to work well for people initially - as I said in my letter, bacterial soil organisms are aggressive competitors in the gut and so clear out existing pathogens like yeast, fungus, etc. However, the primary concern is with the long-term implications of populating the gut with such hardy spore-formers and the fact that to date there is no known way to eliminate them. I've heard from readers now who've taken the product for varying lengths of time (some up to a
year and then experienced severe flares and/or tender masses in the lower right quadrant of their colon (for some reason). Anyway, here's some research on some bacterial soil organism species and you can read up and then do what you feel is best for you.
ps. if the links don't work from this email, you may need to copy and paste them to your browser.
all the best,
Bacterial Soil Organisms:
Web links for further research information
Agerholm JS, Jensen HE, Jensen NE.
Experimental infection in mice with Bacillus licheniformis. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B. 1995 Jun;42(4):247-56.
Agerholm JS, Jensen NE, Giese SB, Jensen HE.
A preliminary study on the pathogenicity of Bacillus licheniformis bacteria in immunodepressed mice. APMIS. 1997 Jan;105(1):48-54.
Agerholm JS, Jensen NE, Dantzer V, Jensen HE, Aarestrup FM.
Experimental infection of pregnant cows with Bacillus licheniformis bacteria. Vet Pathol 1999 36: 191-201.
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Banerjee C, Bustamante CI, Wharton R., Talley E., Wade JC. Bacillus infections in patients with cancer. Arch Intern Med 1988 Aug;148(8):1769-74
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Bacillus licheniformis bacteremia: five cases associated with indwelling central venous catheters. Clin Infect Dis. 1995 Mar;20(3):629-33.
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European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection Dorectorate-General.
Opinion on the use of certain micro-organisms as additives in
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Why isn't the bacterial cause of cancer accepted?
Guinebretiere MH, Berge O, Normand P, Morris C, Carlin F, Nguyen-The C. Identification of Bacteria in Pasteurized Zucchini Purées Stored at Different Temperatures and Comparison with Those Found in Other Pasteurized Vegetable Purées. Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 2001 67: 4520-4530.
Hoa NT, Baccigalupi L, et al, Characteriazation of Bacillus Species Used for Oral Bacteriotherapy and Bacterioprophylaxis of
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Fate and dessemination of Bacillus subtilit spores in a murine model.
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Kniehl E, Becker A, Forster DH.
Pseudo-outbreak of toxigenic Bacillus cereus isolated from stools of three patients with diarrhoea after oral administration of a probiotic medication.
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Bacillus species of medical and veterinary importance.
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Matsumoto S, Suenaga H, Naito K, Sawazaki M, Hiramatsu T, Agata N.
Management of suspected nosocomial infection: an audit of 19
hospitalized patients with septicemia caused by Bacillus species. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2000 Oct;53(5):196-202.
Mikkola R, Kolari M, Andersson MA, Helin J, Salkinoja-Salonen MS. Toxic lactonic lipopeptide from food poisoning isolates of Bacillus licheniformis.
Eur J Biochem. 2000 Jul;267(13):4068-74.
Oggioni MR, Pozzi G, Valensin PE, Galieni P, Bigazzi C.
Recurrent Septicemia in an Immunocompromised Patient Due to Probiotic Strains of Bacillus subtilis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1998 36: 325-326.
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Identification of bacteria from blood and joint fluids of human subjects as Bacillus licheniformis.
Ann Rheum Dis 1974 33: 67-69.
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Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1988 Dec;7(6):783-5.
Rowan NJ, Deans K, Anderson JG, Gemmell CG, Hunter IS, and Chaithong T.
Putative Virulence Factor Expression by Clinical and Food Isolates of Bacillus spp. after Growth in Reconstituted Infant Milk Formulae.
Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 2001 67: 3873-3881.
Rowan NJ, Caldow G, Gemmell CG, Hunter IS.
Production of Diarrheal Enterotoxins and Other Potential Virulence Factors by Veterinary Isolates of Bacillus Species Associated with Nongastrointestinal Infection.
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Sagripanti J.-L., Bonifacino A..
Bacterial Spores Survive Treatment with Commercial Sterilants and Disinfectants. Appl Environ Micorbiol 1999;65(9):4255
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The Trouble in Tracing Opportunistic Pathogens: Cholangitis due to Bacillus in a French Hospital Caused by a Strain Related to an Italian Probiotic?
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U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook.
Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus spp.
Wainwright M.
Extreme pleomorphism and the bacterial life cycle: a forgotten controversy.
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March 19, 2004"
I did experience the "tenderness" that she described in her response, but I found that it went away a little while after I stopped taking P.D. I thought some of the stuff mentioned in the references was a little scary though, and it was enough
to make me stop taking the product.
Sorry if all this is somewhat off topic from Metabolic Typing.