an emergency appendicitis..he practices Nabhi Kriya every morning ( a set of navel Center strengthening asanas) After the opertion he was not able to lift his legs due to the cut and sutured abdominals..yet I could feel him from his recovery bed "seeing/thinking/ feeling the exercises while resting and recovering every morning while we did the exercises in the front room- within 2 weeks he was back at it at 4am most mornings.
Certainly not to the capacity he was before- but within 4 weeks he was 98%...His mind and body had the habit of those exercises so engrained that he "did" them while he physically could not...If this makes sense, and recover 100% faster than expected or predicted
Now it is good to add that he has been doing Sadhana for over 15 years
and he is a Sat Nam Rayasan teacher Guru- In other words he has exercised the ancient muscle, as I have for the last year, for many years and he is well armed for survival on this I AM becoming