The Capital Punishment Human Sacrifice Ritual
The Capital Punishment Human Sacrifice Ritual - The Greatest of All Doublethink?
By David Icke
Hello all,
This week saw the execution by lethal injection in California of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams for gangland killings he denied to his death. The true background to these crimes can be debated by others. I want to look at what it says about America and any other society that seeks to justify state-imposed ritual murder.
Right at the starting blocks it fails the ‘justice’ test in that throughout human history vast numbers of pe! ople have been executed who have been innocent of the ‘crimes’ they were alleged to have committed. But let’s go on …
We are asked to believe that because killing is wrong we have to kill those who kill. I know, I know, but if you are understandably bewildered by such patent nonsense I’ll go through that just once more:
We … are … asked … to … believe … that … because … killing … is … wrong … we … have … to … kill … those … who … kill.
Orwell’s doublethink – the ability to hold two contradictory opinions and believe them both to be true – has no greater advocate than those who support capital punishment. Killing is either okay or it is not okay. It can’t be okay when the state does it and not when anyone else does. And for the state to say we are going to kill you as a punishment for the crime of killing borders on, or indeed crosses the line, into the far reaches of the twilight zone. Unless, that is, you are a doublethinker, in which case it all makes perfect sense, bless ‘em.
Oh, but isn’t it justified in the Bible? … ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, and all that? I think they call it ‘revenge’ in my language and didn’t ‘Jesus’ in another part of the same Bible speak against seeking revenge with lines like ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone’? The Bible is, in fact, a compendium of doublethink. It’s so perfect for doublethinkers because you can find support for anything you want. You just have to find the right page.
Those who support state killing are in favour of killing. I! know th at’s an obvious statement, but we are talking baby language here so they will have any chance of getting it. And if you are in favour of killing, how can you condemn others for killing? Everyone who supported the execution of Tookie Williams, or anyone else, is an advocate of murder, so they should cease to give me all that bollocks about ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Thou art killing – they just get some mug in a uniform to do it for them. I thought incitement to murder was against the law? Well, yes, it is, unless it’s the state doing the deed, then you become a ‘responsible, law-abiding, citizen’. It is so easy to achieve this State-us. You just agree with the State.
Capital punishment is a human sacrifice ritual and the more that I understand about the energy-manipulation rituals of the Illuminati there is no doubt for me that the timing of these State murders is no accident and connects with similar rituals that no one is told about at other locations around the world. After all, here is a human sacrifice ritual that the Illuminati black magicians can put on public display, have widely reported, with large numbers of people supporting it. The act of capital punishment is sickeningly ritualistic in a country that claims to be civilised. This is a description of something like Tookie Williams will have experienced:
‘The intravenous tubing leads to a room next to the execution chamber, usually separated from the inmate b! y a curtain or wall. Usually some type of IV technician with certification to insert the IV tube performs that role, while the chemical technician, who is usually a member of the prison staff, orders, prepares, and loads the chemicals into the machine. After the curtain is opened to allow the witnesses to see inside the chamber, the condemned person will then be permitted to make a final statement. Following this, the warden will signal for the execution to commence, and the executioner(s), either prison staff or private citizens depending on the jurisdiction, will then activate the machine which mechanically delivers the three drugs in sequence. Other than visual observation by prison staff and the witnesses, there is no mechanical or scientific monitoring of the inmate during the process and no effort is made to determine whether anesthesia is ever in fact induced. Death usually occurs within seven minutes, although the whole procedure can take up to 45 minutes. According! to state law, if participation in the execution is prohibited! for phy sicians, the death ruling is made by the state's Medical Examiner's Office. After confirmation that death has occurred, a coroner signs the executed individual’s death certificate.
The American Medical Association's Code of Ethics prohibits doctors from participating in executions. Indeed, not all states mandate a physician’s involvement in the execution. Depending on each state's own Medical Society and state law, physician involvement is either prohibited or sanctioned. States that have no formal policy usually defer to the American Medical Association. Medical doctors are generally not allowed to administer the lethal injection itself, but are usually on hand to pronounce the person dead. Many states, such as California, do not allow doctors to participate except in m! onitoring the execution, since the medical board considers this a breach of the Hippocratic Oath. In the absence of doctors, volunteer emergency medical technicians may be used.’
How ironic. Doctors are often not used because the very act of killing breaches their professional oath, but the State can still do it without breaking any code whatsoever, except the code of human decency. But then those involved have long lost contact with that. In Williams’ case it took them 12 minutes to find a vein in his arm to! administer the lethal drug while he was strapped to the table! and all this after keeping him on Death Row for 24 years, yes 24 YEARS! They talk about ‘cold-blooded murder’. How more cold-blooded can you get than state execution? Those in favour say that what Williams is alleged to have done was immoral and monstrous. What the State did to him was barbarous.
The only difference was that one is against the law and the other is within the law. And who decides the law? The elite who engage in human sacrifice rituals in secret that make even what Williams experienced look like a tea party.
Any country or state that allows capital punishment is neither mature or civilised. It is barbaric.