Sometimes those last things left are those the hardest to let go of-they may want to go (house, job, relationships) what most of the western world considers necessities-Maybe, like my year this year, I let go of all these things to redesign my living status....I now have a roommate (don't ask) and a new job-(but had none for over a year) And I am way into the 6 hour kundalini healings and practices (my god, my knees?!)
And ya know it's not what i wanted but I'm experiencing myself in a whole new way-And with me this radical upset is what it took-did I mention I'm stubborn-and patience is sometimes in short supply-but all and all I have extended times of joy-And am almost always wondering...
and really my whole life fell a part and is in reformation-I have grown children so this is not a college phase- RESISTANCE IS FUTILE-GOD's plans are bigger (more glorious?) than ours.....I think so...