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90% of Autistics are blood type A
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90% of Autistics are blood type A

Some of this info. might be useful
This article submitted by Deb Porter on 5/25/99.
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Highlights of Presentations at
The Biological Treatments of Autism and PDD Conference
May 8 & 9, 1999, Orlando, FL
From quickly written contemporaneous notes
(Note: Audiotapes of presentations are available from Audio Excellence:
(727) 360-6726

Dr. William Shaw (researcher)

There is no single gene that predisposes toward autism. It is probably
many genes, each with a minor effect, that combine to produce a major

MMR vaccine must not be given when a child is sick or taking
Antibiotics .

Lab testing shows autistics have much higher level of yeast produced
organic acids than typical children.
Otitis media ear problems requires check of food allergies and levels
of immunoglobin antibodies. IgG, IgA and IgM are often deficient in
autistics, while IgE is high. IgE indicates allergy for pollen and mold,
but is not a useful marker for food allergy . IgG test indicates food
allergy. IgA and secretory IgA are needed since it protects the
intestinal tract.
Nutrients that help boost immunity include zinc, selenium, lactoferrin,
astragulus, DMG, CoQ-10, taurine, NAC, aloe vera, cat's claw, propolis
and echinacea.
Arabinose is a key byproduct of yeast growth in autistics. It could
cause protein crosslinking. Apples and apple products can cause
arabinose. Biotin, B6, and lipoic acid in large doses are protective.
Antibodies to candida react with various tissues, including the brain.
OTC anti-fungals include MCT (coconut) oil, garlic, oregano (not oil),
oral aloe vera, goldenseal, pau d'arco, and grapefruit seed extract.
Caprylic acid is effective, but requires periodic liver tests.
Prescription antifungals include Nystatin (which stays in the digestive
tract), amphotericin B, and the following more systemic anti-fungals
requiring regular liver tests: Diflucan, Sporonox and Nizoral.
VARIOUS ORGANIC ACIDS THAT AFFECT BRAIN. In urine tests, these acids are
very high in autistics compares with typical children.
The yeast die-off (Herxheimer effect) may cause regression for about
four days before positive results start.
Recommend that SuperNuThera (B6, magnesium and other vitamin products)
should be used before antifungal treatment starts. To diminish yeast die
off reaction, OTC items that help neutralize excess acid include
bicarbonate and Alka-Seltzer Gold. DHPPA (dihydroxyphenyl propionic
acid) has place in autism treatment, Antibiotic Flagyl reduces
clostridia, but fewer side effects with Nystatin and lactobacillus
acidophilus GG.
Benefits of ridding autistics of yeast include better focus, less
hyperactivity, better sleep, more spoken words, improved socialization,
and reduction in aggressive and self-injurious behavior.
Bacteria form analogs from DHPPA that affect neurotransmitters and
stimulate central nervous system receptors. dopamine blocking drugs may
reduce autism symptoms. Watch for Antibiotic resistant clostridia

Dr. Alan Friedman (researcher)

Using electro-spray mass spectrometry at Johnson & Johnson, it was
found that peptides interact with brain receptors. Children become
addicted to foods that make peptides and cause autistic symptoms.
Test for leaky gut. Mystery is that small (2-3 mers) amino acids cross
cell membranes easily, but larger peptides (7-8 mers) are not supposed
to do so. Yet larger aminos do get through cell walls.
Case study showed casein breakdown products and Halloween candy caused
autistic symptoms. Stopping these foods, child got better. High level of
peptides bind to opiate receptors.
Lab is looking at genetic or autoimmune deficiency in enzyme that is
involved in catabolism of beta casomorphine.
Lab is focusing on the one protein that is involved in neuropeptides,
T-cell activation and collegen degradation, and is expresed at numerous
body sites. It turns out to be DPP IV (dipeptidyl Peptidase IV). J&J is
planning trials of this enzyme.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet (practicing physician & researcher)

The 210% rise in autism between 1987-1998 is greater than any other
mental/behavioral disorder. Autism is a multi-system disorder. Root
cause is immune dysregulation, both over and under responsive.
According to EPA, large majority of developmental disorders are of
unknown etiologies. Studies are looking at environmental toxicants,
stool and urine content, IgA and IgG with subclasses, autoimmune
disorders including anti-NAFP neural axion protein), food and inhalant
allergies related to IgE and IgG, sleep EEG, QEEG, CEEG, thyroid
profile, toxic metals, inborn errors of metabolism (eg., Maple Syrup
disorder is not autism), fragile-X chromosome analysis, beta casomorphin
and glutomorphin. MRI and CT scans are usually normal in autistics.
Looking at abnormal stool and urine should start before secretin
treatment. In autistics, 80% have an infection, 20% have no yeast. 20 to
40% have Giardia and other growth, including parasites. Urine test
include arabinose, as well as tartaric, DHPPA, citric, glyceric and
lactate acids. Sugar and refined carbohydrates in diet boost arabinose
and lactate, respectively.
Treatments: Nystatin, Diflucan and Sporonox yeast killers. Often switch
usage over time to reduce resistance. Clostridia killer metronidazone
benzoate (flagyl @ 250 mg). Often high dose lactobacillus will do as
well with fewer side effects. parasites are sensitive to Flagyl, but not
always effective until immune system is built up.
Combination of genetic disposition, environmental insult and autoimmune system disorder combine to cause autism.

Serious concern about using vaccines too early, but can get autism from having measles. 93% of autistics test positive to myelin antibodies.
Doctors who are reluctant to have tests performed for autism may do so
if it's called an autoimmune disorder.
20% of autistics are deficient in IgA; have abnormal cytokines; have
defects in function and number of lymphocytes; and fail to clear
pathogens (85% have yeast, 35% clostridia).
Food lectins act like major agglutination factors that affect immune
Interesting: Over 90% of autistics are blood type A. Excitoxins include
soy isolate, MSG, caseinates and aspartame.
Vitamin treatment: 800 mcg folic acid; 50 mg/20lbs body weight up to
200 mg of P5P form of B6; 100 mg/10 lbs to 600 mg max magnesium; 125
mg/10-20 lbs DMG. the B6 and magnesium not needed if on Super NuThera.
Also can use: 50 mg/50 lbs CoQ-10; dairy free 10-20 billion
lactobacillus; max 375 mg GLA essential fatty acid; 200 mcg chromium
(deficient from most starch); 400-8--mg calcium gluconate or citrate;
Sphingolin, aka myelin (pig brains) CAUTION: 70% of kids on secretin
get hyperactivity and insomnia.

Half life of secretin is 4 minutes, yet it can have instant effect and
last for 4 weeks. It is possible secretin may form new synapses and
dendrites after repeated infusions. How many? Not known.
Anti-antibodies in preliminary secretin trial of 9 children plus
control group: 5/9 had decrease, 3/9 no change, 1/9 worse. All had some
functional improvement.
Alkaline duodenum improves digestion and normalizes motility.
DOSAGE: IV, 2 cu/2.2 lbs body weight, titrate up or down. Given every
4 weeks to most patients.
Ferring secretin production stopped; Repligen secretin to come;
Gaspretin, made in Japan from Swiss pigs has high purity, coming;
Chinese Secrepen, questionable purity.
Side effects of secretin: Hyperactivity or excess stims, usually stop
in less than 2 weeks; withdrawal, loose stools -all infrequent and dose
related. 2 children had seizures out of 1200 doses, reason unknown,
possibly immunosuppression.
RESULTS: In these areas of improvement: social awareness, talking
words, eye contact, sleep, happier disposition -70% improved in one of
major areas; 90% improved by fifth secretin infusion. Age was not a
factor. Bowel habits showed little influence on outcomes (NOTE RE
PATIENTS WITH DIARRHEA: Points clarified by Holly B concerning early
reports of no improvement in patients without diarrhea: After one or two
infusions, bowel improvement more dramatic for diarrhea burdened kids,
but by fourth infusion, same other improvements for those who are
asymptomatic. Thus bowel habits did not influence outcomes.
Dose: 3 to 8 cu/kg gets equal results.

Immuniglobin IV is a possible cure. Some 50% of autistics had dramatic
response in 6 months. High dosage is 400 mg/kg every 3 weeks for 18
infusions. Should start to get good results in 6 infusions. A much lower
dose of IV IG can protect against secretin immunosupression, but can get
autistic regression. Infusion for low dosage should take 3 to 5 hours;
for high dosage it takes multiple days. Side effects in 5% of patients.
Resolution of autism takes a long course -up to 2 years.

Dr. Vijendra Singh (Researcher)

Evidence indicates that autism is an autoimmune problem with viruses or vaccines serving as trigger. If lymphocytes or immune antibodies reach
brain, it impairs function.
IL-12, IL-2 and IF Gamma are high in autistics. the GI immune system is
the key in helping autism.
Myelin formation is affected by antibodies. Myelin antibodies are found
in 90% of autistics and cause developmental malfunction. As a primary
marker, this could eventually be a blood test for autism, especially if
in conjunction a secondary marker, neurofilaments, found in 40 to 50% of
autistics. Some strong markers in autistics are almost non-existent in
20% have low IgA. Damaging IgGT found in high levels. Cytokines, a
chemical messenger also found in the nervous system (originally thought
to be found only in the immune system) are also high in autistics.
Parental mail: 55% were sure autism resulted from MMR vaccine; 30% from DPT; 10% from measles or vaccine; 6% other.
Autoimmune intervention: Immune modulation; possible steroid therapy;
IV IG; plasma phoresis.
Sphingolin may reduce autoimmune antigens, but important to use low
doses; often given too high.
Two paths needed for normal myelin formation. One path is adversely
affected in autistics, so the myelin is abnormal.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield (practicing physician, researcher, and courageous
doc who bucked the UK medical establishment to show connection of
autism and vaccines)

There is a connection between non-specific colitis and PDD. Used term:
"Autistic Enterocolitis," which is different from ulcerative colitis. It
is more like an autoimmune disease, a bit like Crohns. 97% of autistics
have this condition.
Only 16% of autistics have a normal immunity system; others are
deficient and not transient. There is probably a genetic disposition
responding to insult.
Clinical observation indicates opioid excess.
Resulting constipation encourages toe walking. Before any other
treatment, recommend stool softener for two weeks.
Early viral exposure. Measles and rubella have been linked to
disintegrative disorders.
Vaccines linked to autism.
Measles virus N-protein found in autism, but not in Crohns disease.
There is no correlation with mumps, rubella.
Others have found that children were normal until a month or two after
MMR vaccine.
There is a 20 times risk of autism if child has measles before age one.
High risk for two or more infections, especially measles and mumps.
UK med establishment, a bunch of effen idiots (af's comment, not Doc.
Wakefield's) claim autism after vaccines is rare. Well in blue collar
brick Township, NJ, 1 in 150 became autistic after MMR. In white collar
Granite Bay, CA, it was 1 in 132. that's not "rare."
After 1980, autism had staggering increase, while "learning disabled"
and some other mental disorders remained constant.
Available treatment is to control inflammation, make dietary
modifications, and improve response to learning and behavior (That's a
boost for ABA). Clues are autoimmune and viruses in gut. Check for
celiac condition.
There is a possible problem with hepatitis B vaccine.

To minimize MMR risk, it is suggested that vaccine be given mono; that is, a year lapse between injections of Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines...even if it is less convenient than a 3-in-1 shot.

(P.S. Doctor Wakefield was invited to come practice in Florida. He said
he did not know what he would do with all that money. British humor, you
know. -af)

Dr. Luigiana Romani (Italian researcher)

This was a highly technical talk on the effect of Candida Albicans on
the immune system. it was noted that candida likes Sugar and low fiber
refined foods. The best control of candida infection is through IL-4
antagonists and cytokine therapy.

Dr. Bernard Rimland (pioneer autism researcher)

If there is one grand old man in the autism field, he's it. Dr. Rimland
discussed his life work and various therapies that help autistic
children. His Autism Research Institute is a primary gateway for useful
autism information.


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