Re: 2003 Theme - The Key ** 2004 Theme - Changing the Physical World through LOVE. Prediction - Astrology - Numerology
Thanks for the insight!
2003 was indeed very enlightening for me as well. I have always been interested in and studied metaphysical concepts, but only this year did it all come together into a visceral understanding (for me, studying the concept of fractals had something to do with it). But I also felt that this new vision needed to be grounded/applied to practical everyday life. I had a dream soon after this amazing revelation, which I interpreted to do with my need to work on compassion/patience when dealing with strangers, and to stop judgement/intolerance/annoyance when confronted with annoying, hostile, illogical behavior from others (which is usually done out of ignorance). The Dalai Lama advises to separate the act from the doer, and thus forgive.
What I've been trying to do lately, when this issue comes up-e.g. dealing with crowds on buses and the streets, is to say to myself "I'm swimming in an ocean of love"- it works.
The next step for 2004 as you say, is to be more proactive with compassion-initiate kindness, whether it's spoken, material, through friendship, forgiveness, etc. It IS up to each one of us to raise the planetary consciousness/vibration. Wishing all peace and love!