I read the hopi message. It is, of course, subject to interpretation. One thing - 911 was not, most definitely, the 3rd shaking. 911 was like a day in the life of how the west treats the rest of the world. A taste of your own medicine. Not so tasty, is it? Oh I don't condone 911, I applaud it. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. So, in that case, you will know when the 3rd shaking has taken place because the toll should minimally be at least 1 or 2 billion people. I believe anything less than that would not break the stranglehold a certain military/industrial complex has on the world, and as long as they have this stranglehold on us, there will never be peace, there will never be hope, there will never one race made up of many people. There will only be masters and slaves.