all is one
I recently got this same link forwarded to me by a friend- read it all again anyway-thanks! There seem to be close ties with Mayan prophecies. The 2012 paradigm shift is also prophesied by South American tribes -the Quechuas, I think is one. I also find it interesting that science- quantum physics and cosmology especially, is also beginning to realize the "esoteric" nature of existence- String theory describing fundamental vibrating strings of energy that combine and give rise to the multifarious forms, as in a symphony...sounds like the eastern mysticism descriptions of reality- all is one:light/energy-matter, and all is interconnected...and the holographic universe theory that reality is an illusion, Self-created, where each "part" contains the whole
(as seen in fractals, holograms, and DNA)- this is similar to Buddhist principles. Hopefully, this will make more acceptable/mainstream the notions that we are all one, light/energy being the essence, and that the "illogical" powers of our mind such as telepathy, ESP, etc. are a reality- only not understood fully by the limited perception of energy.