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Re: hot water??
Andreas Moritz Views: 3,645
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 496,721

Re: hot water??

I mentioned "hot" water for the enema because it dissolves waste deposits so much better than cold or cool water does. It's similar to washing a greasy pot with hot water. Try doing that with cold water. However, it is of great benefit to conclude the enema with cool or cold water. Cold water tightens and stimulates the colon walls and helps them absorb the water and become well hydrated.

I have described the painful rock around the belly button area in great detail in my book Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation and also in The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush. These rocks, also called "radix," are large edemic lymph vessels. They can grow as large as a fist. These lymphatic vessels are called "cysterna chyli" and are responsible for major lymphatic blockages in the thoracic duct (main lymph duct). Once this blockage occurs, 90% of the body's lymph drainage system becomes impaired. This can cause swellings in different areas, including the eyes, face, chest, arms, organs, ovaries, uterus, and legs. All of these are drained by lymphatic vessels connected with the thoracic duct. Your lymph congestion and edema in the cysterna chyli sacks clogs up the thoracic duct, thereby causing backflushing of metababolic waste and dead cell matter in such sensitive areas as the ovaries and breasts. This has caused the ovarian tumor (also see my book "Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's a Surivival Mechansism"). If the cause of ovarian cysts or tumors is not addressed properly, it usually ends up leading to breast cancer).

The small and large intestine have the biggest influence on these lymph vessels. Toxins from undigested or harmful foods end up there, forcing the body to hold on to fluids and fatty substances in order to keep the toxins neutral. Given your toxic condition, it requires a proper cleasning regimen that avoid toxicity. I recommend you don't use methods of cleansing the liver that omit the important pre-cleanse and post cleanse periods. Many have done liver flushes without these precautions and destroyed their digestive systems with stones caught in the colon. These stones are not harmless. They are packed with toxic material that the liver has surrounded with bile. It is better not to cleanse if you are unable to do it properly. Taking extra olive oil in the morning can release a bunch of stones that get caught in the instestines and inflame the intestinal walls. Given your bladder, kidney and lymph condition, this is not a wise thing to do.

It appears to me that your entire body requires an overhaul and a different diet than you have used this far. I suggest eating according to your body type (see Timeless Secrets ...) and avoid eating your main meal in the evening. By making lunch to be your main meal, you prevent overtaxing your lymph system. Sleeping before 10 am will be essentiual for correcting the digestive problems.

Wishing you well,



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