Hi Teachart,
Congratulations for your work and progress with cleansing!!!
I'm with you in your
goal to drop asthma medicine. It can be done, I have done it!
Till Andreas answers you, this may help you:
1) Asthma management drugs create Asthma:
Asthma sufferers in various countries:
Scotland 18%, Wales
17%, England 15.3%, Ireland 14.6%, Australia 14,7%, Canada 14.1%
Some other countries;
Switzerland 2.3%, Russia 2.2%, China 2.1%, Georgia
1.5%, Nepal 1.5%
English-speaking countries have a similar medical approach to asthma ailments and their managements.
2) Asthma management drugs kill you:
Before all these drugs,
asthma patients were known to live a long life:
1860 asthma not
regarded as a fatal disease eg. Henry Salter said
never kills". Until the 1940's, asthma mortality was low
late 1930's
adrenaline introduced, mortality increases followed
late 1940's
isoprenaline introduced, mortality increases followed
and so on…
Today asthma management is
done basically with two types of drugs:
Bronchodilators and
Bronchodilators being responsible
for most of the asthma deaths, corticosteroids for many side effects, one of
the worst: glaucoma!
Specially, dropping
bronchodilators, can be done very quickly:
One of the things that
impacts negatively breathing is FOOD. Avoiding animal protein is a great start.
Another negative impact is sedentary life, move enough if you can.
When you are strong enough,
the combination of a light diet/juice fast with Buteyko breathing will bring you
literally to another world. I wish you and your daughter a good recovery very soon.
Best regards.