Re: finding info on andreas'!!!!
Dear Pjangel,
Hope you are doing better by now.
A good way to search curezone for Andreas posts is to use the word “andmor”. This way you avoid to get many unrelated pages that include “Andreas” as a link on the top or the side of the page.
A good search in this case would be “pancreas andmor”. And… surprise!!! There are no posts matching this combination!!!
My interpretation of this is that Andreas probably doesn't deal directly with the issue, but more in an indirect way.
So my feeling goes to (and specially when something is hurting): Eating little and very clean diet and watch what happends. Eating and sleeping in proper times and do may be something that can sooth and calm an stressed organ like clay or castor oil packs.
Also Epsom Salt baths comes to my mind.
If it was the right side that was hurting I would suggest, liver flush, but being the other side I suggest rather to try to calm whatever is stressed.
And… don’t breath deep in this case, specially if you are panicking. Deep breathing will deplete the already diminished amount of CO2 in your blood and alveoli (in the lungs) making you more prone to panicking. Calm breathing will help you.
I wish you the best.