20 y
I wear purple too ;-)
It was tricky, but I managed to hit 'respond' without reading your message. I can guess what it says. I can sense a 'scolding' a mile away. And I'm practicing my psychic
I don't do it perfect, I get to make mistakes, and all women are my sisters. Sorry you aren't comfortable with that. You'll be okay.
And I'll read your message sometime. But I'm learning to keep my center....and even though my tummy is churing, I'll get over it too.
No defense. I don't have to prove I'm a good person. I AM.
You are free to 'get annoyed'. But I figure, lately, everytime I choose to get annoyed I'm probably choosing to start a little gallstone....or at least some chaff. So, Hannah,I love you. And that's regardless of how you scolded me. Which I CHOOSE not to read. Another time maybe.
I wear purple. I've earned that right. And I've showed up for classes when there was no openings, and 'got in'. Because I made the effort. I can't (don't chose)to color in the lines either. And I try not to 'should' on myself either (well, I'm getting better)
I have a funny friend, the most non-judmental female I know. When she isn't telling me "Erase, erase, erase" because I'm saying negative things, or asking me when I'll be willing to "let it go", she can top it all with:
"THIS IS ALL JUST AN ILLUSION ANYWAY!!!" I'm not THERE yet!(smile) (but it certainly makes all this look....silly)
I wish I saw her more often; I don't.
I wish I could give you peace, but I can't.
We are all sisters; as we heal ourselves, we heal each other, and vice versa. I'm sure we are all connected.
(ADDED: AFTER READING YOUR MESSAGE) Now, if I could just figure out why when I feel I'm getting scolded I get that terrible jittery feeling. And my hands start shaking A LOT! Your "scold" wasn't all that bad; didn't matter. Same results. Heart beating hard, hands shaking, stomach gone nervous. I'll re-find my center....but it will take some effort. Probably about 10 minutes. You are great for helping people learn; in MANY ways.
With no intent to be rude or hurt, may I ask--why do you feel you need to be the watchdog of this site? I'm sure you have a good heart; just curious. Oh, and I did my gratitude list the day before Thanksgiving--I posted it.....somewhere on curezone(REMEMBERED: suggestions to webmaster) You were one of the people I'm VERY grateful for. Really.
love, peace and joy in the journey,
p.s. in behalf of my sister....SHE asked ME about how to get a question on Ask Andreas. I know you explain via email how to post....that's how I found out. She HAS been reading on curezone--and doesn't post(or I don't know HER number) There are people like that. You might be a little less quick to judge. ME TOO ;-) And someday I will be secure enough not to have to justify myself. sigh, neck ache.
Off to get centered! Then to try and get some SLEEP.
pss even re-reading this I got shakey. Any ideas, people? After Andreas answers, of course. See Hannah, I'm learning. You ARE a good teacher. And someday I'll feel 'safe' enough not to use a number. But for now, THAT IS OKAY! You don't have to tattle. We are trying to be adults, but we are just little hurt children inside. AND WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT: but we share the same fears, hopes, and dreams. goodnite! God bless.