I was going to do the liver/gallbladder cleanse but with the reading I've done ie gallstones getting stuck, parasites making you sick, dental problems putting too much stress on an already weak system etc etc. It has made me nervous about getting started. I'm having problems with my intestinal track in the first place and I have animals that sleep with us (not my choice my husbands choice) and I'm possibly pre diabetic (my one sister and my father both are diabetic and I haven't done the blood work because I don't want to be confirmed as diabetic; pretty stupid huh) anyhow it makes it pretty difficult to know where to start and whether I'll be doing myself more harm than good. I did buy the 10.00 zapper to get started but how do I know it is working? And so it goes. Can you help? I really need to do something, all I seem to do is sleep and hurt. Thanks,,,,,
Note: This post is from my sis. Here's an exchange between us. It may or may not be the cause of her indecision....written the day of the conference call. I may have helped 'scare' her off.
Hi P.......
I wouldn't know how to get into the conference call--it is probably over by now it is 11:30 here but I don't know where Andreas is at. How come his site is no longer accepting questions? Is this temporary?
I haven't done the flush yet. Did you? I have the things I need, now I have to wait until I have some time off--my body doesn't do things on schedule and I can't exactly run away from the game when I GOTTA GO.
I've got the information for the GCG here but will probably wait and just use apple juice for now.
and my reply
Yep, I flushed.
Absolutly --on your own time schedule. Look up Uniquity's message on
liver flush forum--she went "off" on liver flushing without colon
preparation.....not parasite. If you do the flush and your colon is
blocked, you are in deep doo doo literally.
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Rule one. And if you can't get quiet enough to
hear it, I don't buy that. You live out in all the beauty and
peace--find the quiet, and listen. I learned tons from the call. It finised 1 EST. They are planning on doing it again.
That's our correspondance. Sorry to have to 'waste' time justifying myself...sigh...
I love my sis, and hate that she is hurting so horribly. She is 53, I'd guess 5'2, 180 pounds, works standing on her feet her entire shift. She (infrequently) mentions being in constant pain. She loves the desert, and lives out there with the cactii, her busband, her dogs, birds, ducks, and fish--not in that order ;-). They just got well water, although she's been there a l o n g time. A tragic accident left her a widow at a young age, and though happily married now, she has had a lot of emotional pain in her life. There are 5 girls in our family; V...(second )is the only dark haired, dark complexioned, oily smooth skinned one, with good kinesthetic awareness --graceful, coordinated, deep, and quiet (unless really riled) Surely she is a Vata. We five sisters all look and act VERY different; V... (I'm told) looks most like my mother, whom I can't remember, and I've always thought she was very beautiful. She still is, underneath the pain.
The 5 of us are VERY close in age...(rounding) 58,53,52,50,48, (45 too, not sure if she's dead or alive) My dad raised 5 of us alone....my mom was an 'alcohalic'....none of us are.... V....is very open and anxious to heal.
Hope I haven't shared too much or confused the issue. Just address this to VL.
VL....this advice about your health problems, concerns about flushing, diabetes, colon, parasites, is for YOU! Andreas, thank you from both of us. I love you, VL!
peace and joy in the journey...for us all.