I agree Lapis wholeheartedly
I rarely use kinesiology , but the few items I do, are for specific things.
but since the question was raised, about the methods, i gave a website
that gives self help tips,
and the one I use when I do .
i agree completely with what you said ,
about being clear, meaning fully cleared
of past preprogramed social mindsets that we have taken on since birth.
It is this very area that I am most concerned with currently
in my own personal life..
I am finding much success with this thru the laws of attraction, bruce lipton etc (thanks to you )...
Tolle, and alot of Andreas writings as well on this exact subject.
To be completely free of past rutted limiting beliefs and to also not get
caught up in thinking (living in a as yet unreached future)
since Life is what is happening to us NOW,
it is the product of what we have allowed to come to us from the past thought /action patterns.
We are what we think, '
aas aman thinks so shall he be,
I think .. therefore i AM etc..
What we do , what we say , what we limit or not , what we eat,
(spiritual or physical ) is what we are *creating our future to be*
We are all creators of our own life.
whether we accept that or not ..
does not alter the fact that it is true.
There are no victims ,
only that which we have created our reality to be.
aware or unaware.
We create our own *heaven or hell * so to speak
Ami Joi Benton