walking into a dark room and trying to find one's way out.... :( !!
hello stannarad :)
i think i realized that my amlgam fillings were problematic through process of elmination... i've never taken ANY antibiotics UNTIL THE DOXYCYCLINE... (the only other time was right after wisdom teeth extraction -- they had given me some penicillin -- but it was before my liver was destroyed by my fillings, because it was right around that time that i got the fillings too...
of course we are all of us ingesting antibiotics through the food we eat (meat etc.) but my liver was like TOTALLY DESTROYED... BIG TIME :( so it had to be something more than what everyone else was eating, etc.
plus i don't know what this meant, but i had weird symptoms inside my mouth around where i had the amalgam fillings, and i know it's very unusual... for instance my amalgam filling-ed tooth had a GREEN stain on it at one point!!! :(( (and not from anything i ate -- only those teeth were affected)
also i've been brushing my teeth with salt for YEARS to combat bleeding gums (which is also caused by mercury fillings) but then now i realize brushing salt is the WORST THING for those with amalgam filings beause it releases mercury vapors in your system...:((( wahhhhh :(((((
also, mercury poisoning makes your other heavy metal poisoning much worse, and i've developped such WEIRD SENSITIVITY TO ALL METAL IT'S LIKE TOTALLY inexplicable!!!
for example, when i first got sick mom did some "hand acupuncture" on me to help me with digestion, and it did seem to help, except that my hands would start to "sweat" with the metal needles stuck on them... and it was such a strange phenomenon we could not understand it... then it got worse and worse and finally i started to have such unpleasant sensations that we had to stop the treatment... it was a few weeks after that that i started readinga bout mercury toxicity and amalgam fillings and put two and two together.... !!
you know getting sick so suddenly is like walking into a darkened room and trying to find one's way about.. u really don't know which way to turn!! and u can't go too fast in one direction cos u never know what's there.... everything has to be carefully probed... but not too carefully either cos your symptoms are bouncing you around and you feel that time is running out too...
the last 8-9 months ahve been like total amazing education for me... i complain that i "lost my life" but at the same time i feel as if my life has been enormously "enriched" too.... !!!!! :)
keep the faith!