some people swear by andy cutler method, which is very scientific and i think it involves you take medication every 4 hours EXACTLY for a while or something -- i didn't want to go that route cos that means you gotta wake up in the middle of the night to take the medication (DMSA and ALA i believe, but i'm not sure) :( and i'm not very good with waking up in the middle of the night... :p:p interrupted sleep makes for a cranky and unhealthy wabbitte i reckon :p:p
also, i read that our bodies NATURALLY chelate if provided with the best environment to do so: good nutrition, good lifestyle, etc. not too much stress! (even though that part is difficult).... so i'm opting for the more natural method at this point... and see if it works...
so i'm eating a lot of veges, of course my diet is totally sugar free, etc. i try to get a lot of sun, some exercise... and i'm drinking natural herbal tea like ESSIAC tea and i've just ordered LAPACHO TEA which is also supposed to be good for u :> i've also been taking some mineral supplements like selenium, and also mixing chlorella in my shakes (big banana shake with freshly squeezed oj and superfood that i drink almost every day).... i also make sure i have regular bm -- (add ground up flax seeds to my shakes as well) and take MH's LBB -- i'm also currently taking his dewormer, which tastes delicious :) !! i also try to take regular epsom salt/baking soda/cayenne baths, after which i do the cold shower/hot shower alternating thing for my circulation.... it takes some discipline to do that, but i always feel better afterwards !!!
i also do dry skin brushing before the bath -- that helps get the toxins out of your skin.... and i do coconut oil massasge after the bath....
also i've done one month (thus far) of ionic foot bath, and i'm sure that helped too... i've recently also ordered some pascalite clay to do clay foot bath :p that's supposed to actually pull metal toxins directly from the body! -- i'm also taking some herbal liver supplements, and i am using this korean massage machine called CERAGEM that REALLY WORKED wonders when i was really sick early on in my illness... to the extent that i dont' know how i would have survived wihtout it the first month!! i would really recommend it!!
oh wow.. i've REALLY DONE LOTS OF THINGS eh? :p:p it's been almost non stop 24/7 job!!!
anyway the past week has been an UP week for me, and i ALMOST FELT NORMAL here and there!!!!!! i try not to get too excited cos i've been disappointed before...
my eyes are still a bit too dry and mucusy and reddish in the morning and night and i still cough intermittently, but the symptoms are MUCH more bearable for the time being.... and i gotta enjoy little victories where i can get em right? :)