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Do you recommend ear insufflation of ozone with Herpes 2 in lip?
speechlessly50 Views: 4,600
Published: 20 y

Do you recommend ear insufflation of ozone with Herpes 2 in lip?

Dear Andreas,

I have Herpes 2 in genital and lip. Sometimes, the Herpes Viruses go to the nose, ear or face.

1) Do you recommend doing ear insufflation of ozone?

I can't find a person who have lip herpes doing that other than the cliche, so I need your advise. I had dropped 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear, and the viruses just move to the ear drum which give me more pain than proliferating in the outer ear. I had asked one of the seller of the ozone generator to guarantee if the viruses will not move to inner ear or to the eyes, but he can not guarantee in the email. Also, experience from doing I.V. hydrogen peroxide show Herpes moved away from attack. The Herpes now do not itch in my arms but itch in my knee cap and foot due to I.V. was done on veins in hand and arm.

2) Also, if I don't do colonics before rectal insufflation, is it still ok to kill the virus in the mouth?

Since I need to do rectal insufflation daily and am a vegetarian with Herpes 2, doing colonics seemed meaningless. I can go to the bowel 30 minutes after meal, and have 3 to 4 bowels a day, or anytime. Doing colonics is recommend for fecal matter not to block ozone. ( A doctor said the frequent bowel is due to a infectious disease for I do not have pain and constipation---and I think the doctor is right for I have Herpes 2. )



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