Actually, I don't work with insufflation of ozon, neither for the ears nor the rectum. I am also not in favor of killing viruses. Viruses don't cause infection, but they enter the body when parts of it need to be infected or destroyed in order to prevent a major desaster such as potential cell mutation. As so often, allopathic medicine assumes that microorganisms are behind an infection and possibly cancer, when in truth they are on our side. So, Herpes 1 is called a good virus and hepes 2 a bad virus, but this isn't true. Viruses are not bad or good, just as there is no bad or good cholesterol. Viruses can only enter cells that are weak and damaged. The viral activity rises and falls according to the degree of internal injury or toxicity present.
It is an unproven myth that viruses (or bacteria) cause disease. Even Luis Pasteur had to admit at the of his life that he made a mistake in announcing that bacteria casue infection. A certain milieu attracts the right kind of bugs to decompose or destruct what is no longer in the body's best interest. And so, just because virus material is found in infected cells doesn't mean viruses are responsible for the infection. Most of us have most viruses and bacteria that exist outside the body, right now inside the body. There are no real boundaries between the inside and outside. Whatever exists outside also exists inside. Killing germs may bring relief, but more often than not this causes a recurrance or has a "deepening" effect. When suppressed through treatments of symptoms versus casues, toxins and waste products penetrate areas of denser tissue in the body, like bones, spinal colums and joints, weakening the body further. This requires new "diseases" (survival mechanisms) to help prevent even worse calamities. They are not diseases either, just ways to cope and prevent death from occurring.
Killing the virus in the mouth means very little. All you do is prevent the virus from doing its precious job. Viruses can go anywhere in the body, and wait, wait for the right occasion to help. Viruses don't act mechanically or randomly. They are blind by nature, but they naturally gravitate to places that resonate with them, that is, have the same vibrational frequency. Molecules, atoms, subatomic particles all receive and radiate energy at specific frequencies. Like attracts like. So when a part of your body vibrates on a lower frequency (for example, when congested with stones in the liver, protein in the blood vessel walls, or waste matter in the colon) you will automatically resonate with things that are of the same vibration. This can range from wanting certain low-frequency foods (junk foods, for example, attracting people towards you that are negative, doing things that make you feel sad, fearful or depressed, to attracting germs to your body that help you infect and remove what is of that same lower frequency. There are no accidents when it comes to viral infection. Viruses simply cannot go to areas of higher vibration. Thus a healthy, clean cell cannot be infected by any kind of virus. There is simply too much protection and too little attraction for that to happen.
To get to the roots of what is really bothering you I suggest you read Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, as well as Lifting the Veil of Duality (both avaialble throguh my website