Dear Andreas I have been very very sick for the last 20 years if not longer. I have been medically diagnosed as having CFS/M.E/Systemic Candidiasis. I have read your books with much interest and I am keen to try and remove some of the stones you talk about from my liver in the hope of regaining my health (if it is possible). The problem is I am sooooo toxic. I tried a colonic and enema and the candida toxins that were stirred up left me bed-bound, sick and weak for three whole weeks (I am not exaggerating). I can barely tolerate any oils - good or bad - without having pale stools the day after. Where on earth do I start? If I cannot do colonics because of the toxin release leaving me bed-bound - then how can I do a liver flush? Plus - is it possible Andreas to do little "mini" flushes (say perhaps one tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice) - on a daily basis - given my degree of toxicity? Thank you for reading my post and any advice is much appreciated.