thanks for your lengthy and informative answer, I have not eaten meat for years and definitely believe it is a build up of toxins in my body since I haven't been treating it the way I should lately. I will begin liver flushing because the orthoscopy also identified an abnormally large bile/pancreatic duct which could be a result of a clogged liver. I am only 23 by the way so I guess I was just looking for reassurance that my body would solve this problem on it's own. The doctor told me straight out that this problem would never heal itself and it is at this moment, to put it bluntly, I knew he was full of *%#&¤?§*. It is good to know that I should stay away from tomato's and vinegar, these were some of the staples in my (most of the time) vegan diet. What are your opinions on raw sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar? Thanks again.