i firmly believe liver flushing cures all...
i believe that all the information needed to be cured of any ailments can be found right here on cz... if a body is willing to do the maintenance of
parasite cleanses... kidney cleanses... colon cleanses... and liver flushes... and do everything to learn what foods are healthy to eat... and what not to eat... (oils that heal and oils that kill)... i firmly believe any disease can be overcome... this site is an abundance of information... with some of the most beautiful... knowledgeable... and willing to help people one would ever find in the entire world...
i've done seven flushes thus far... with number eight coming up this week-end... i noticed instant relief and remission of my
Psoriasis right from the very first... my thyroid problem is non-existent... my cholesterol problem is non-existent... my energy is as high as i've known it for years... my skin is healthy... and to top all that off... my hemorrhoid was mysteriously gone after the first flush as well... lol... now if all that isn't miraculous i don't know what is...
but it's all up to each individual... and personally i think it has a lot to do with ones attitude... desire... and the spirit which one puts forth to be free of all dis-ease...
it truly is a wonderful day in the neighborhood boys and girls...