20 y
Re: Dry/Ice: Global Warming Revealed
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Do you feel that the warming is entirely caused by mans' activity, or could it be at least partly due to cycles the earth goes through on its own? the article itself mentions such fluctuations in the distant past, pre-industrial age. If so, it is really useless to try and stop the inevitable, isn't it?
I have read many times that the warm weather enjoyed by northern europe is not the norm from a long term perspective, but that cold temperates were long the rule. if so, what does it mean that it is now coming to and end? what purpose would it serve for the climate to change back?
I am always torn when I read this type of thing, thinking we should all mobilize and prevent the impending doom, but another part of me says that what is going to happen will happen and is not to be feared.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
John g.