Re: mental health
Hi all,
Just a comment, or maybe a few comments. I personally don't believe in the term 'mental health'. I believe it to be a 'misnomer'. Tell you why. The Mental usually is interpreted by most people as relating to how you think, and the use of the intellect. Yes, it often appears in the mental area, but the causes are actually in the 'emotional' level of mind and self. There is a direct connection between how you feel and how you fuction. Your abilities, are deeply limited when negative emotional feelings erupt and are expressed. They affect the physical. All physical ailments have an 'emotional' aspect, and all 'emotional feelings' are expressed in the physical.
Did you ever 'decide' (intellect) that you were going to be sad, angry, upset, fearful (etc.) at say, 3:24 in the afternoon? Of course not, when you were in any feeling is is an 'automatic response', there is no intellctual examination of what is going on, just an internal response. Yes, later you may be again upset with yourself for 'reacting', but that then is an 'intellectual' evaluation, that did not occur at the time of the 'feeling'. And, yes, you can 'bring on' negative feelings by your entertaining negative thoughts. And, yes, when in a 'negative feeling' you 'do not think straight' so to speak. The emotions are a screen that filters what you see, what you interpret of your surroundings, and in any situation.
You may consider yourself to be absolutely logical! There is no human being that is. Feelings are very human. But, you can choose what feelings you decide to entertain. There are ways to use both your subconcious and concious aspects of mind. But, you need to consider their 'particular aspects'. Just like cats and dogs are different animals and act and react differently, and have thier own peculiar characteristics, so does mind aspects. Cats and Dogs can learn to get along. So can the aspects of mind if you really want them to, and work for the best that you can be.
I would reccomend some of the 'energy healing' techniques to help you work on these areas of 'upsets'. Techniques such as EFT, TFT, TAT, WHEE, TAB, BSFF. You can learn them and use them for yourselves. You can literally, lift yourself by your own bootstraps. These techniques are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, like accupunture, accupressure, but nothing but your knowledge and finger tips are required to use them.
I often give a web site to go to, but lots of people are very negative and think I am selling something, which I am not. The site is not mine, I don't have a site. And the eccomended 'basic manual' on it is free! Where you go from there afterwards is of course, up to you. I use it I know it works.
Now, I don't know how to use this particular curezone site, if someone would want to contact me personally on here. I see if I can make an inquiry.
Love in the Spirit,