Re: Andreas/Anyone:first liver flush, scared to do another
Sorry for not responding to your post earlier, but it took me so long to work myself through the all the previous posts.
For some individuals, the first cleanse truly is the most uncomfortable, being the first opportunity for the liver to get rid of poisons stored there for a long time. I remember not sleeping at all during the night of my first cleanse. And I felt the weakest I could remember, but I hadn't done colonics prior to and after the flush. The second one was a breeze, compared with the first one, because I did a colonic on the day of the flush. If you have not done a colonic before the flush , this can also make you feel very ill.
To avoid complications and continued discomfort after the flush, make sure to have a colonic or colema after the liver flush as per directions in The Amazing Liver Cleanse. Trapped stones in the colon can make you feel really poorly. You passed some very big stones, so this makes this precautionary measure especailly important.
Overall, you did very well, given the results.